10 Tips To BOOST Your ENERGY Naturally

10 Tips To BOOST Your ENERGY Naturally

Boost Energy Naturally with these Tips


Do you rely on caffeine and sugar to give you that needed instant energy kick during the day only to feel fatigued shortly after?


Let’s go through some natural alternatives so your energy levels stay balanced through your day.


Whether you want to be energised for a workout, have productive work days, keep up with your kids/ grandkids, or simply feel better in your body, having more energy is always beneficial.


You don’t need to rely on caffeine, sugar, or other stimulants for a quick, artificial kick that will leave you feeling fatigued shortly after. Instead, attempt to incorporate these changes into your weekly routine to naturally sustain high energy levels:


Sleep Time

Getting a good night's rest is essential for a productive day. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Establishing a bedtime routine can help your body recognise patterns that promote melatonin production, the hormone that makes you tired.


Start your wind-down routine about two hours before bed. Avoid activities that stimulate your mind or body, like exercise, checking emails, or playing video games. Limit exposure to blue light from electronic devices, as it disrupts melatonin release. Instead, opt for reading a book or journaling.


If you still have trouble falling asleep, try calming activities such as:


- Meditation or breathwork

- Relaxing stretches

- Listening to calming music or white noise

- Enjoying a sleep-inducing drink such as camomile tea


By following these steps, you can improve your sleep quality and feel more energised during the day.


Get Some Sun

Try to begin your morning with natural light. This is beneficial because your body runs on a natural internal clock called the circadian rhythm, which dictates the release of energy and sleep hormones and is responsible for feelings of wakefulness, appetite and body temperature.


Your circadian rhythm is affected by factors like sunlight, light from electronic devices, shift work, and certain health conditions like diabetes and depression.


A simple way to regulate your circadian rhythm is by waking up with the sunlight through your window. Plus, if you have the time, try taking a quick morning walk to absorb some vitamin D and boost your endorphins. This can make you feel energised before your work day even starts, setting you up with a positive, productive mindset. There's something special about the fresh energy of a sunny morning that morning people love!


Take a Cold Shower

Looking for a morning kickstart? Try taking a cold shower for an invigorating boost. Cold showers improve circulation and kick your metabolism into high gear. Here's how it works: when exposed to cold water, your body has to work harder to maintain its core temperature, which enhances efficiency in various physiological processes. This increased effort helps improve circulation and can boost your metabolism, and increase alertness giving you a refreshing start to your day.


Cold showers send electrical impulses to your brain, increasing alertness, mental clarity, and the release of endorphins. This process helps you feel more awake and mentally refreshed. Additionally, the sudden exposure to cold water can invigorate your body, boosting your overall mood and energy levels.


Your body will naturally burn more calories and help fire up your metabolic rate but what Cold exposure also does is activate a fat in your body called brown fat. Brown fat is different to the two other fats in your body which are white fat and yellow fat. Brown fat is packed full of what’s called mitochondria which are your cell powerhouses which help produce and metabolise energy.

Bottom line: an energy burst 


Can’t bring yourself cold 1-2 minute shower? Start with your shower as normal and work your way up to it by ending your shower with a cold blast for around 20-30 seconds, standing under – it’s a sure-fire way to put a spring in your step. You can build your cold exposure time up slowly to 1-2 minutes over time.


Time Your Coffee Better

Considering that stopping your caffeine intake is really not a desirable option and how people cannot wait to enjoying that nice morning coffee I would not say stop drinking coffee. But you should be aware of how and when you consume it.

While melatonin is the hormone that makes up sleep, cortisol is the hormone that wakes us up, and it fluctuates naturally throughout the day reaching its lowest point in the evening.


Cortisol levels are raised by caffeine and hence the ensuing side effects of alertness and awakeness and sometimes if you consume too much caffeine, the opposite can happen here you will feel sleepy (which is telling you to rest up on the caffeine).


Cortisol levels typically peak in the early morning, around 6 to 8 AM. They gradually decline throughout the day, reaching their lowest point in the evening, around midnight. This natural rise and fall of cortisol follows the body's circadian rhythm, helping to regulate sleep-wake cycles and energy levels.


Tip: Try and push your morning brew back and enjoy it as a mid-morning snack instead of part of your breakfast.

Drinking caffeine soon after waking up might not fully maximise its effects because cortisol levels typically rise naturally in the morning, aiding in wakefulness.

Constantly consuming caffeine at this time could lead to increased tolerance and dependence on caffeine.

It may also interfere with the body's natural cortisol production, potentially disrupting the natural wake-up process.


Eat for Energy

Food = Energy, which makes this an obvious starting point when looking to give yourself a boost.

One of the most beneficial things we can do for our mind and body, is maintaining a healthy balanced diet. A good starting point would be to eliminate processed junk foods as much as you can; not only are they full of refined sugars, processed carbohydrates and saturated fats, they have poor nutritional value.

It’s vital to make sure that the majority of your diet is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, fuelling your body and brain with whats required to function optimally.



To give you an example of what a day’s food intake could look like, here’s an example.


1 slice of Ezekiel or dark rye toast with avocado, 2 eggs and side of cottage cheese

Snack 1

1 small pot of low-fat yoghurt, almond butter and handful of  berries


Portion of chicken, sweet potato chips and garden salad

Snack 2

Protein shake in water


Portion of Grass fed beef, mushroom, green leafy veggies and brown rice




Get Moving


Boost your energy levels by moving more and working on your fitness. Not only will you feel a rush of your happy hormones (endorphins) each time you work out, over time your body’s oxygen uptake,  nutrient uptake and blood flow will become more efficient. This improves your cells ability to produce energy – meaning, the fitter you are, the more energy you’ll naturally have.

If you don’t already have a routine to workout regularly, it’s never too late to start. It can starting with a simple walk for 30 minutes each morning and slowly build up to some light resistance work. Great for the mindset too!


Avoid Sugar

We all know the feeling of a dopamine hit from our sugary fixes—but what goes up must come down, and it comes down with a vengeance. Simple processed sugars contain no nutritional value, and fructose does not affect the pathways in the brain that regulate appetite (Leptin). Essentially, this means the body does not recognise it as sustenance, rendering the calories useless and keeping your appetite receptor Ghrelin switched on, leaving you unsatisfied and wanting more food. Bottom line: fructose can actually leave you feeling hungrier than before you ate!


Snack smarter with higher protein choices and an a couple of examples is to swap your usual sugar-filled treats with some protein ice cream (protein and greek yoghurt) mixed up and frozen to be eaten as ice cream or home made protein bars that will be sure to curb those cravings.


Reduce Stress

When people feel stress and anxiety on a daily basis, the body continuously releases adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream. Adrenaline dissipates when anxiety starts to wane, however, cortisol lingers in the body and increases the desire for people to eat more carbohydrates to compensate for physical exertion. The body is programmed to fight off stress and danger, but because most people today do not physically burn off extra energy after being affected by stress, increased carbohydrate cravings and carbohydrate consumption from lingering cortisol levels usually cause weight gain.


Tips to Relax and calm your nervous system:

Meditate - 10-15 minutes of focused breathing

Go for a run - after approx 10minutes of you in running mode your mind will start to ease and focus on run

Gratitude - take time to write down 3 things your grateful for. really feel the emotion of being grateful to get the sense of happiness in your body. you can’t be grateful and stressed simultaneously

Train with weights - go and let some stress out and workout - lose the technology!

listen to some soothing music the helps you relax and focus on your breathing

Spend a few minutes each day focusing on your breath, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth repeat 6 times and focus on your breath when you feel you need to relax and calm the mind.


Drink Water

Did you know water makes up around 85% of the brain, 80% of blood, and approximately 70% of lean muscle? Water is fundamental to life, crucial for cognitive function, hormone and chemical balance, and many other physiological processes. Dehydration is the primary cause of daytime fatigue and poor concentration. Even a 2% drop in your body’s water levels can lead to fuzzy short-term memory, inability to concentrate, and a feeling of being ‘spaced out’.


To maintain hydration levels, start your day with 500mL-1L of water infused with a bit of sea salt to replenish fluids and electrolytes lost overnight. Keep a water bottle within easy reach or set reminders on your phone to drink regularly throughout the day. If plain water isn’t appealing, try adding flavoured electrolytes to help you stay hydrated.


Listen to Upbeat Music

Music can be a savour for you low energy levels and has so many positive effects on the body; adding to feel good tunes to your playlist stimulates senses, releases serotonin and dopamine within the brain, stimulates memory and can even relieve pain. So it makes perfect sense that upbeat music can indeed enhance your mood and boost your energy!

Add some playlists filled with songs you love and help give you a boost.